Friday, October 31, 2008

A visit to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

I chose the following video to share because, when you're having a bad day, it's certainly helps, especially, if you love animals. Playing in the mud, what fun!! and it doesn't require any special skills.

Even though exploring sites was fun, I wonder what controls are put on the content. How do you make sure that you don't find something that, to most people, would be objectionable?

Just a thought:
It seems that there are some folks that are unhappy with the library's new website. Maybe a video that explains how to use it might be helpful.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Email: a blessing

I was slow in setting up an email account, but finally gave in. The past few weeks have proven what a blessing it is. Without going into a lot of personal, family information that's not mine to share, just let me say, "It's a real blessing and I wouldn't give up my gmail account for a lifetime supply of Dove dark chocolate.

CML wiki: Favorite Restaurants

My daughter and I are always looking for new restaurants to try. Have copied those listed; we'll have fun checking some of them out.

Blood Spurting Knife Wound

It's Halloween time. Complements of "Projects" in the "Make" blog, available through CML's Power Tools, you, too, can give your kids a heart attack. I was searching for pictures of edible spiders that were available, earlier, and discovered this. It's got fewer calories, and that's a good thing.

Monday, October 6, 2008 is a great site to use when one is looking for a new restaurant to try. You can search by city, area of town, cuisine and price range. Driving directions, reviews and other nearby restaurants are given. A hyperlink to the restaurant's web site can be really useful.

This would be a useful site for assisting visitors who are unfamiliar with the area.

Google Docs

I already have a Google email account and was surprised to find some documents already there. . They appear to be files that others have sent to me as attachments. I don't know how this happened but that's ok. I "created a simple document", a recipe that I think I might like to try, and sent it to my sister.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Library Wikis

I checked out Library Success and Book Lovers wiki.

It was interesting that LS had problems with vandalism. I've often thought that this might be a problem. Someone could add incorrect information, just for the fun of it, and really make things difficult for other users. Really defeats the goal of being helpful and useful. I liked the way LS was set up: the main page wasn't filled with stuff, so was easy to use.

Book Lovers wiki is a great example of how one could be used for the short term. It was, certainly, helpful in providing information to include in their catalog so had an extra bonus.